my video-tastic-times! part one….yeoww!

ahhh the smile is a biggy when i think of the week i have had!

in the last post i was talking about the filming of a project im doing with Will McConnell AKA Bandwidth Films. We had to hault play on the second day of shooting due to weather but we knew that the week was going to give us a pocket of sunlight and we decided to chance our luck on Wednesday. SO, armed with all the recording equipment, guitar, sandwiches, a best friend (to drive) and my skateboard we headed for the coast to begin a day of skating by the ocean and playing on the beach!

The weather was class, just enough of the right elements to ensure Will was happy and i was safe HAHA. After having a drive around some of my favorite coastal roads up north we picked the best ones and i hopped out to carve them up. Will was armed with his camera and filmed me from the car as a cruised in front and behind. It was mental the more i think about it but what fun! The cliffs the wind, the sky the sea! Only one situation could have made me happier and that would have been riding the waves below!

We filmed all day long and caused a few estranged looks from tourists who weren’t planning on seeing us as part of their tour! In all it was a really amazing day. I cant wait to see the footage!! OHHH WWEE.












I got home Wednesday night and immediately had to get my head in gear for the next project i was to begining on Friday. A few months ago film maker Paul McPartland dropped me an email asking to meet up and have a chat about some work we could do together. Paul is someone i have always known but not realised i did… Hes the No Alibis cameraman and producer of one of my favorite home grown music videos (of local singer songwriter Ciaran Lavery). I was over the moon to hear what Paul had to say and we arranged to shoot a music video on the 27th of October. The catch was Pauls concept was paper cranes, you know, origami cranes… and he needed no less than 200! EEKKKKkk.

N xxx

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